Many people ask me whether I blog for a living. In my perfect world it would be wonderful to do this activity full time, but I’m told by my landlord that a few gratis products won’t be paying my rent anytime soon I’m afraid! Back to what is it that I do…
I am a (full-time) freelance brand consultant. I work on an ad hoc basis with my clients in the following areas:
Marketing: Including traditional forms of creating collateral, material & displays & campaigns to digital such as Google Analytics, & Social Media campaigns/ creating content for website or blogs.
PR: Including events, collaboration opportunities with like-minded/related brands, blogger out-reach, & publication outreach.
Operations: Including sales training of staff in retail environments, building of pop-up projects, website development, or if you’re more ambitious help you build a shop (online version apply!)
Many people wonder also about the name of my company. Why Pop-It! Retail? Well, a busines is rather like a small kernel of corn. You grow from popping some more corn, and I'm here to help you with that!
Whether you are looking for social media campaigns or more traditional ways of marketing your business my approach is 'conscious' and will get you return on investment (ROI) within 6-8 weeks.
Check out my articles with tips for Small Business Owners (on the side of this page) 'KERNELS' for a few popping ideas too!
Interested in what I do? Up for a chat? Contact me at: or